Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Decision taken

It's not a matter of YES or NO anymore. It's just a matter of WHEN...


From childhood, our human nature is curious. Walking around searching out curiously, going to places we’re not supposed to go to, doing things we're not supposed to do, following our instincts, driving really fast to get the adrenaline rush, riding roller coasters, etc... There is something that we always want (or demand) that drives our physical and mental capacity to the extreme limit. Things that we can barely handle. Rides that we don't know their destination.

I always had this part inside of me that always wanted to fight. I don't know why since I am not a violent person in nature, but this adrenaline feeling I get when I am sparring, I simply can't describe it. I need a way to prove "to myself" where I stand in a real actual fight against a trained person and not an average thug. I have to take it to the next level...

The background that I come from is definitely not a fighting background. I am working on my Ph.D. in Engineering Management (half way through) with a Scholarship since my Masters. Having all my plans set since I was 18 and working hard on accomplishing each and every goal I set up previously. Been involved in music for quite a while now, I thought i'll end up being either a musician or be more rational, get a degree, and work my way to the top with a steady job. Never thought I would want to do this... Now I am pretty sure I want to fight.
People call fighters different names like "meat heads", "crazy", "unintelligent", "violent", "Blood thirsty" , or the latest one I heard when I mentioned the idea of starting to fight to my friends --> "Retarded"!!! - Well I am certainly not unintelligent, not a meat head, not violent, and definitely not Blood Thirsty. Crazy? not as long as this will not end up being my career which is definitely NOT THE PLAN!

It always starts as a hobby, I have been involved in Martial arts since I was 13 years old. By taking Judo classes, where I learned more about 'discipline' rather than close contact defense, my father wanted me to learn Jūdō (柔道 jūdō, meaning "gentle way") simply because I was a trouble maker. Stopped training 3 years later after getting my Orange belt because I thought it would not help me in a street fight (and still thinks so). After that, I was interested in Free Style Kick Boxing. Started my private training (me and 2 other guys) in a house garage with a Lebanese called "ABDELRAHMAN BAKKAR" (Middle East Kick boxing Champion for several years). I loved the training and the intensity but never thought about stepping in the ring. Was it because I was scared? no, simply because I did not want to get my head pounded on a daily basis. I wanted to get my degree and move up in a steady lifestyle, no music, no martial arts, no risk. A steady life that I have control on.

As I arrived to the US to get my Masters, things changed a bit. Started by Brazilian Jiu Jistui training at Gustavo Machado, got my Blue belt from one of the Gracie Combative centers in Norfolk (Norfolk Karate Academy). One year later, getting tired of just rolling around (pure street BJJ) and becoming more interested in MMA (especially the UFC fights), I transferred to Hybrid Training center and started my training under the supervision of Kru Buck Grant (Muay Thai, MMA, CSW), Chase Walden (Muay Thai) and Scott Oates (BJJ). I have been training for 5 months now in this academy and definitely intending to stay. Other than having the best and most experienced instructors in the area, I am training with the best students as well. From pro MMA fighters to pro BJJ practitioners to pro Muay Thai fighters, I am one of the very few in this academy who has not fought yet.


As coach Buck is encouraging me to have my debut Muay Thai fight this summer (in July), I thought about it and decided not to take this fight as I am not "physically" ready although I am more than ready mentally. I don't want to go get knocked out from the first round. I also have my PhD Candidacy Exam coming in mid June and will be taking most of my time. I want to be able to commit to my training and be ready for the fight. However, I will be taking the first "next" opportunity after the summer as I am starting to condition myself in a 5 days training (conditioning and sparring), no fatty food, and less alcohol (that's the hardest). Fighting Muay Thai will be my first step. Then, I am thinking about stepping in the cage of Mixed Martial Arts (now this is the craziest).

When I will have a set date for the fight, I will totally cut drinking, late parties, junk food, and try dropping 15 to 20 lbs. I am now 175lbs which is considered "FAT!!!!" according to my height and muscle level. God knows how I'm going to lose 20 lbs!!!!!!